My Experience with Acupuncture

I started doing weekly acupuncture for relief. Today I had my second appointment.
And I love it! My body feels completely relaxed and the relaxation feeling lasts for days! You get up off of the bed feeling well rested, like you just woke up from a nap. I’m an anxious person; I tend to fidget for no damn reason but I’ve noticed a significant decrease in anxiety immediately following the session. Obviously, we do focus on my pelvic area, but I need more sessions to determine if it does help with the pain. Following the session, there is about a 20% decrease in pain but it doesn’t last long, maybe 45min total. But I feel we are onto something because I rarely feel immediate relief with anything.
I see Rachel Ingber from Madison Square Wellness in NYC. Rachel has been a great support and I love that she follows up with me post-sessions. I understand that not all doctors have immediate answers, but I love those who let you know that they are on this journey with you and genuinely care. Shout out to Rachel, you’re the real mvp. I appreciate you, girl.
I’ll report back with updates.