Checking In
Hey, it’s been awhile. Life’s been moving fast, but apparently so has the earth. I’ve been adjusting to a lot of new things since we last met; here is a quick rundown:
Covid pandemic, vacations, lots of family time, loss of family, monkey pox “pandemic”, new job, new tax bracket, and my new baby, “The Denim Edit”. Best of all and through it all, I’ve kept myself genuinely free, balanced, and happy. I feel like a big girl!
I’m living my best life now that my Adenomyosis symptoms tend to only flare up during my cycle and aren’t crippling my whole damn life. Yay for that, right? Kind of. The pain is still a B!%?# and no matter how much I think that I’m mentally prepared for what’s about to come every fifteen days…I never am. As I type this I feel cramps brewing for the start of my cycle next week. Yes, you read that right. I said next week! Your girl is feeling pre-camps before the cramps. Child.
Even though the pain is still the biggest issue in my life, I’m very grateful that we’ve come to an understanding that we’ll only meet every fifteen days for roughly five days straight as opposed to every. single. day. When I say we, I mean the pain and myself. However, my obsession with Adenomyosis and how it affects me has lead to some good discoveries with Columbia University here in NYC. I’m in the process of testing my fertility. I have one test left.
Fingers crossed 🤞🏾